Trauma / Critical Illness

Trauma cover is insurance which pays out a lump sum in event of a serious illness or injury, such as severe burns or loss of limbs or it can be illnesses such as life threatening cancer or heart disease. This lump sum amount agreed upon can be used by you however you like. Should you wish to, you can use it to pay for not only the bills associated with your illness or injury but can also cover mortgage and other debt repayments if you are unable to earn.

This could be particularly traumatic if you are the main income earner. Your family and other dependents could be faced with having to sell off assets in order to fund your treatment.

Trauma cover can soften the blow to your loved ones by reducing the financial strain to cover costs which would arise from your inability to function as normal. It also works to relieve both you and your family should you require part time or full-time assistance from a health care professional.

Disclaimer - The benefits and descriptions for all products mentioned above are generic only in nature and are dependent on the amount of cover, type of cover, wait periods, limitations of cover, special terms (if any), and the standard terms and conditions of the insurance provider. These may vary from one provider to the other and may vary even within the same product provider’s product range. Above may also not be a complete nor exhaustive list of Risk and Health products available.